How to Create a blog on Blogger within 5 Minutes 2025

If you want to create a blog on blogger and want to earn money, then you are at the right place. Blogger can help you to start a free blog. Blogger(Blogspot) is a free blogging platform by Google. Anyone in the world can start free blogging on blogger and earn money with it. In this post, We are going to show how to create a blog on blogger step by step without any coding knowledge.

How to Create a blog on Blogger within 5 Minutes

What is the blogger(Blogspot)?

Blogger is a Google-owned platform where a user can create a free blog and share knowledge with the world. It is absolutely free for anyone in the world. It is required no coding knowledge to start a free blog on blogger. You no need to pay money for it. It is very easy to use.

Alternative of blogger?

Blogger has some limitations so the advanced user doesn’t use it. Actually, most bloggers including me have started blogging on Blogger and after that moved on to another famous and advance blogging platform WordPress. WordPress is a perfect blogging platform for creating the blog, managing it and earning it. If you mind creating a blog on blogger then you can read How to make a blog on WordPress.

READ THIS: WordPress Par Blog Kaise Banaye – How to Make blog in Hindi

Requirements to create a blog

before you start, you need this:

  1. A Google account(Gmail account)
  2. Internet connection(I don’t need to say this)
  3. Mobile/Computer/Tablet

How to create a blog on Blogger

Here is a step-by-step guide to making a blog on blogger

  1. log on to and sign in with your Gmail account.
  2. Click on New Blog
  3. Enter the name of the blog which you want to createhow to create a blog on blogger step by step
  4. Choose a blog address of your blog which is looking like your blog name or related
  5. Select a theme for your blog. You can change that with the awesome theme after the blog is made.
  6. Click create the log.
  7. Now your blog has been created. You can now start writing by clicking on NEW POST.

How to do settings of BlogSpot blog

1. Basic Setting

  1. Go to Settings > Basic
  2. Click on Description and give some more short information about your blog.
  3. Click on Privacy and select YES in both options. If already, then ignore it.
  4. Now see on HTTPS Redirect and choose YES. This will make your blog connection secure.
  5. The blog reader option remains Public if you want to traffic also come through a search engine like Google etc.

Now click on Save Setting.

2. Post, Comments and sharing

Select Anyone who can comment. Now anyone comments on your post. If you don’t want this then you can remain it option Registered User..

3. Language and formatting settings

  1. Choose the language that you want in the Language option.
  2. In the Timezone option, you select your country’s time zone. For example, if you are from India then you select GMT+5:30 – India Standard Time
  3. Now click on Save Setting.

4. Search preferences

  1. In the Meta Tag > description, you must give your blog summary which will be displayed on the Search Engine like Google.Meta Tag Description - how to create a free blog on blogger
  2. All options of Crawlers and indexing must be left the same.

5. User Settings

  1. Select a User Profile which you want to use. If you want to use a different profile for the Blogger then you select blogger, if not leave it the same Google Plus.
  2. Leave remain YES in Use Blogger Draft.
  3. Now Save settings if you make any changes.

So, Blogger within 5 Minutes

So, friends, your blog is now ready. You can start to write. If you are facing any problems then you can share them with us in the comment section.

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